Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blog on the back burner

Well that’s where it’s been lately.  It has been a whirlwind for the past couple of months here in the Lynd household.  Early February I got a promotion (YAY!)  and started working Days ( :/)  Our lives have been turned upside down and sideways but I think we are finally adjusting.

1.       Double the hours = double the pay
2.       Free health insurance for our entire family Yep I said FREE $0 out of my check $0 to see the doctor $5 co-payments. Can I get a heck yea!
3.       Get to be home at night with my family
4.       Get to eat dinner with my family
5.       Get to hang out with the hubs at night
1.       Tired as hell
2.       Dirty house ( and you guys all know I have major O.C.D)
3.       Never ending laundry I can’t catch up on
4.       An overload of Days of Our Lives on the DVR
5.       Can’t take, pick up or help out in the bubbs class any more (This is MAJOR)
6.       When do I grocery shop?
7.       Can’t go to little Misse’s gymnastics

AAGGHHH so what do you do?  Make the best of it I suppose.  I feel I made the correct decision for my family and I prayed for God’s will sooooooo I’ll just trust in him.  Although ,it was super hard to give up the “all the time Mommy” role.  I just love them so much!

Anyways now that we are on track I will try to be a better blogger ;) TTYS

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So What Wednesday~

I decided to do so what Wednesdays here it goes ;)

1. So what if under my bed is a hoarders dream (out of sight out of mind)
2. So what if I let my kids eat pizza for breakfast (sometimes)
3. So what if my plastic cupboard is a mess!!!!
4. So what if I saved 2 humongous tubs of baby clothes from J and Em's (I just couldn't part, along with their crib bedding even though they never slept in their cribs)...which leads me to #5
5. So what if my kids crawl in our bed every night!  I love to cuddle with them and watch their sweet faces while they are sleeping.
6. So what if I'm super clumsy: fell sown the stairs 3 times, broke my butt, always hitting my pinky toe and running into walls.
7.So what if I don't love the Oscars.
8. So what if I do LOVE Days of Our lives hahaha